

Photoshop Filters

Interested in Photoshop filters? Adobe Creative Cloud might make Photoshop a better deal for consumers, according to the Los Angeles Times. So what are Photoshop filters? Photoshop filters are filters that allow you to create different effects which...

Use of HTML Editors

An HTML editor is a great piece of software that allows people with little (or even no) knowledge of HTML to create a website. What is HTML anyways you ask? It’s an acronym for Hypertext Markup Language that is the code that allows us to see webpages...

Why Do I Get So Much Spam Email?

The question that we have all asked at one point or another in our time of being on the internet and a question that we all want to know; Why do I get some much spam mail? Firstly, we will see exactly where spam comes from, how its generated, and then...

Animated Gifs Versus Flash Movement

Here we will discuss  animated GIFs  versus Flash. Let’s start off by distinguishing the two. Shockwave Flashes/Small Web Format and Shockwave Flash (also known as SWF) is a more of an advanced method for publishing animated and/or streaming content...

Sound on a Website or No Sound?

When you first visit a website, many things can grab your attention.  Some good, some bad.  This is where the question of sound or no sound comes into play.  Adding music can really make a website stand out from the rest, or it can the opposite effect...

Color Psychology: What You Should Know

Is color psychology a real thing? Do I need to know about that? More thought goes into choosing colors for a website than you may think, such as the color psychology. Colors not only give visual appeal, they can also create a feeling. While a light pink...

I Need a Website – Where Do I Start?

This will be a helpful and easy “How To Get Started” guide for getting your very own website up and running.  From registering the domain, to uploading files, it’s all right here and laid out in a easy way for the most inexperienced...

Marketing Online and Offline

There are endless ways to marketing online and offline.  Here we will discuss all the wonderful ways of getting the most bang for your buck.  While offline marketing used to be the only way to go, the internet has changed the marketing game forever. ...

How Being a Web Designer is about Listening

Web designers should have both knowledge in HTML and be highly skilled in creating an overly confident (or just plain arrogant) web designer who doesn’t listen to the client, because “he or she doesn’t know what they’re talking about”,...

Public Relations

Recently I had a client that was going to host a wine and dinner party for charity. What a great idea…each course would accompany a wine. We would send html email invites to all their clients in the database and the restaurant would host a wonderful...