
Photoshop Filters

Interested in Photoshop filters?

Adobe Creative Cloud might make Photoshop a better deal for consumers, according to the Los Angeles Times.

So what are Photoshop filters?

Photoshop filters are filters that allow you to create different effects which let you modify your text or image(s). You can choose to use one filter per image or text, or several to create a unique effect.

Plain and simple, they are plugins that can help you create special effects. Photoshop filters make a picture look like a painting. The effects can change the color scheme or distort the image in many ways.

Photoshop filters already come equipped with some preset filters: 

      • Artistic
      • Blur
      • Brush Strokes
      • Distort
      • Noise
      • Pixelate
      • Render
      • Sharpen
      • Sketch
      • Stylize
      • Texture
      • Video
      • Other

Under each filter category, you will have more specific options to choose from, such as: *Render: 3D/Transform/Clouds/Difference Clouds/Lens Flare/Lighting Effects.

When you use a combination of filters, colors, and different levels of intensity of the both, you can create an image or text that you can call all your own! The more creative you are, the better your image or text will be. Filters can be very helpful if you apply the technique where it is needed.

For instance, Gaussian Blur can be used after duplicating a layer and then changing the layer option into lighter/multiple or so, and then reduce the opacity, this can give you a very decent look to your image, however the other filters are rarely used but professionals can use them to generate backgrounds and such.

Or turn an ordinary picture into a classic black and white by using a special filter which is already preset in Photoshop (no plug-in required!) So just how does someone plug-in a Photoshop filter? Easy! You do it manually by searching for your Photoshop directory on your hard drive, for example: C:Program FilesAdobePhotoshop 7.0Plug-InsFilters Once you have your filter, just drag and drop it inside the Filters folder and you’re all done!

Here’s a tip:

Most filters are only available in RGB Mode. While you can use Filters to create a one-of-a-kind look, you can also turn any colored photo into a classic black and white photo simply by using the Grayscale: Image > Mode > Grayscale So go ahead and grab a picture and start letting your creative juices flow! You never what kind of masterpiece you can create with the magic of Photoshop Filters!

To help you avoid all the Photoshop confusion, contact MDeign Media for our Professional Photography Services.