Website Design


Is Flash Going the Way of the DoDo?

It wasn’t that long ago that if you were going to watch a streaming video online, that video would be in Flash. It was just expected. That’s how it was and every platform used it. However, the Internet and the way we receive information are...

Updating a Website is Beyond a Simple Click

You head over to your favorite website and find they finally updated their old format to a more hip and modern look. The graphic design is fresh and exciting and you can’t believe they finally did it. In fact, you are surprised at how easy it was...

The Dark Side of Web Design

 If you are jumping into the profession of web design then you are probably well aware that there are a few things that you will never want to hear. This goes for any business of course, but when you are in web development, you are not only in high demand,...

9 Hilarious Ways to Create a Cheap Website

Type or blog inappropriate content that might evoke irrational behaviors in other people who might view it. Such content might include racist material, excessive profanity, or radical ways in politics and religion that can offend some viewers. A disorganized...

What is a Content Management System (“CMS”)

A CMS is a web application that uses a database to store and manage all of your web pages and content.

A Great Website is Just a Start!

I was inspired to write this post after a recent personal experience (names and industries have been changed to protect the innocent!).  I was researching accountants (ok, so I wasn’t, but remember, I changed the names/industries to protect the...

Getting The Right Clients

Breaking In To Website Design – Getting The Right Clients Website design is a wonderful entrepreneurial job, with low start-up costs, the ability to largely set your own hours, and to do work that’s creative and fulfilling.  That being said,...

5 Ways to Choose the Right Domain Name

Domain names have one very important quality that if not adhered to will lessen the chance of generating traffic to your website all together. They must be memorable. If the domain name is not easy to remember, contains too many letters, is too close...

What Not to Do When Designing a Website

Creating a website isn’t as easy as you might think.  Even a small mistake in planning can dramatically decrease your success and can drive away traffic at an alarming rate.  Most of the advice you read on the Internet is about how to design a good...

Barter web design for your specific needs

Do you know that barter is a business for smart and intelligent people? So you are an intelligent person and want to carry out barter business. Then here is the basic information for you which you may need. The perception of substituting goods or services...