Website Design


Yoga and Creativity

Yoga can be defined as the technologies of disciplines, which can lead to a profound understanding of existence. Its original meaning was to unite with something. When yoga was first introduced to the western world, it was considered to be associated...

Web Design Humor from YOUTUBE

There are many web design companies on the internet, but only a few are designed toward humor. However, there are some web-sites that use humor as the basis of their site. There is one that works better than any other. That is “YOUTUBE”. Since 2005,...

How To Find A Graphic or Web Design Intern

For many companies, hiring an intern is the way to go for many reasons. One of the most rewarding reasons is the fact that you are helping shape the future of graphic or web design. Generally, an intern is still in college; therefore, they are most likely...

Website Design and Feng Shui

Many people use Feng Shui in their everyday lives to create balance and harmony, but what does Feng Shui have to do with website and graphic design? Let’s first go over what Feng Shui is and how it works in our everyday lives and then we will discuss...

How to Scan Images For The Web

It’s easy to screw up an image scan. You’ve seen them: blurry, bleedthrough from the back if they’re from newspapers, bad color, stretched, or just poor resolution quality. How can you create a perfect scanned image for your website?...

Website Design & Whitespace

Here we will discuss the use of design and whitespace. Firstly, let’s discuss what whitespace is and how it is used so that you can better understand when it is necessary to use it. Whitespace, also commonly known as “negative space”, is the...

A website is more than what meets the eye

Recently I came across a website and thought it was one of the best sites I had ever seen. So I said to one of my good friends, “you have got to see this site…it’s one of the coolest I’ve seen in a long time!” I gave her the url and told her...

Sound on a Website or No Sound?

When you first visit a website, many things can grab your attention.  Some good, some bad.  This is where the question of sound or no sound comes into play.  Adding music can really make a website stand out from the rest, or it can the opposite effect...

I Need a Website – Where Do I Start?

This will be a helpful and easy “How To Get Started” guide for getting your very own website up and running.  From registering the domain, to uploading files, it’s all right here and laid out in a easy way for the most inexperienced...

How Being a Web Designer is about Listening

Web designers should have both knowledge in HTML and be highly skilled in creating an overly confident (or just plain arrogant) web designer who doesn’t listen to the client, because “he or she doesn’t know what they’re talking about”,...