
How to Create Great Logos and Promotional Images

If you run a website then there are many things you need to be adept in – from marketing to writing to basic coding. One skill that many bloggers forget about here is creativity and design, but actually it’s highly important that the owners of any website be able to make professional looking and appealing designs. Most websites for instance will need to have banners or titles that will go at the top of their page, and if you want to create a brand for multiple websites then you’re going to need a logo for your site too. Likewise if you want to promote your website more effectively to more people, then promoting in ‘the real world’ with physical advertising rather than just adverts is a great way to get more people to check out your site. With a logo you can advertise in many more ways by printing out t-shirts, caps and folders that you can then give away or sell to get more exposure.

But in order to do all this you need to have that skill in the first place. But what if you aren’t a Leonardo DaVinci in hiding? Well the good news is that there are still many ways you can make a great logo. Here are some tips…

Use a Graphics Tablet and Draw Something Simple

A graphics tablet is a fantastic tool for making digital designs. The way this works is simply to let you draw straight into your computer using a stylus and a pad and that will allow you to draw free-hand making these designs no more difficult to make than are sketches or doodles in a drawing book.

And if you keep this design simple then this can be enough to make most people capable of making great looking logos. Anyone can draw the Nike tick for instance – and if you can come up with something simple like this it will not only look professional but it will also allow more people to recreate your image giving it a greater chance of going viral and catching on. This way you’ll also find your logo is more versatile.

Use 3D Modelling Software

3D modelling software is the software that most companies use to create special effects and character models in games. Here you shape objects in 3D by defining their dimensions and combining them, and the great news is that this requires absolutely no drawing ability. Using 3D modelling software (Blender is a free example of this kind of software) you can create abstract shapes such as bubbles or boxes and then just apply a texture and a colorful background to make something that looks very corporate, or alternatively you can write your site/company name out of 3D letting made from boxes and cylinders. Now render it and apply a lighting effect and you have a great logo that will be perfect on a t-shirt.

Get a Freelancer

There are many freelancers who can create great looking images for you and it’s often possible to get these very cheaply. A great strategy is to go to Digital Point and to offer to pay the best attempt at creating your logo. You’ll find you can get some great designs for as low as $10 and this way you can pick from several attempts.